LuluPichu hat mit Lulu ein S erhalten.

EinCamillenTee hat mit Aurelion Sol ein S- erhalten.

LuluPichu: S

LuluPichu: <3

EinCamillenTee: My first Aurelion S:3

TheRedEyedRaven: Well played guys:)

0chckr0: u2


Shunji1089 hat die Lobby verlassen.

0chckr0: ez not xD

TheRedEyedRaven: Why thank you

GFG Nazgul hat die Lobby verlassen.

EinCamillenTee: Ezreal?


EinCamillenTee: are you a comedian?

TheRedEyedRaven hat die Lobby verlassen.

LuluPichu: whats wrong with you?

Livolink: fck u cheater

TehGoldenBoy1707 hat die Lobby verlassen

0chckr0: cuz if u are u are really good#

OoxPuzzlexoO hat die Lobby verlassen.

EinCamillenTee: why cheater?:)

0chckr0: earn a lot of money a.s.o.

Livolink: bc one shot level 3 is not normal

EinCamillenTee: watch the replay

Livolink: its cheat

EinCamillenTee: and see for yourself

EinCamillenTee: that you are bad

EinCamillenTee: Lulu just knows her champ

Livolink: fck u too aurelion

EinCamillenTee: Please, call me Aurelion Sol


Livolink: nope

Livolink: aurelion is sufisant

0chckr0: report

EinCamillenTee: 2 items? 88 Farm?

EinCamillenTee: Impressive

0chckr0: for insulting us

Livolink: yeah with lag and cheater

0chckr0: :)

0chckr0 hat die Lobby verlassen.

EinCamillenTee: Ow, lag

EinCamillenTee: say that

EinCamillenTee: that's a reason

EinCamillenTee: Lulu doesn't cheat

Livolink: no i dont care if i lag

EinCamillenTee: Huge Ego:)

LuluPichu: no reason tall call me cheater

EinCamillenTee: so proud

Livolink: lulu one shot in lv 3

LuluPichu: work on your ego

Livolink: bitch shut up

Livolink: ure a girl?

LuluPichu: ye

Livolink: ok so ure not a bich

EinCamillenTee: that argument

Livolink: ure a cheater btw

LuluPichu: ...

Livolink: or eventuall if u dont cheat

Livolink: ure abusing of the no equilibrated things of this game

Livolink: and its same

EinCamillenTee: you mean playing yasuo is cheating?

Livolink: like scripter

Livolink: no

Livolink: but use full ap flat runes

EinCamillenTee: where's the problem?

EinCamillenTee: Anyone can do that

Livolink: is not equilibrated

Livolink: and no really fair

Livolink: so u ruin games of others

LuluPichu: go to my profile

EinCamillenTee: you have the chance to use whatever runes you want

LuluPichu: and look at my runes

Livolink: dont care

EinCamillenTee: that's fair

Livolink: no

EinCamillenTee: you can use full ap or ad runes, too

Livolink: itq only no equilibrated things who ruin games

EinCamillenTee: I never saw someone who said this is a problem

Livolink: im not a noob who want ruin games of others

EinCamillenTee: dude, you take the runes who suit your play style

EinCamillenTee: and that's fine

EinCamillenTee: no cheating

Livolink: so ruin if u want but if u say ure not a cheater u re

EinCamillenTee: and not unfair

Livolink: bc ruin its like scripting

EinCamillenTee: if you use bad runes and bad items but play so good that you win - are you then still ruining others' games?

Livolink: no

Livolink: but she not using bad runes

EinCamillenTee: Lulu AP isn't unfair

EinCamillenTee: Other champs go full AP, too

EinCamillenTee: is that bad?

Livolink: she use a non equilibrated start for win game like scriipter

Livolink: bc riot dont equilibrated lulu ap ratios

Livolink: bc its basicall a supp

EinCamillenTee: A scripter lets the computer do the work of hitting and dodging. But Lulu just uses what the game gave her and her own skill.

Livolink: so abusing of that for win its like scripting

EinCamillenTee: You didn't play ADC, and?

LuluPichu: dafuq

EinCamillenTee: You played Ezreal mid. Shall I report you for that now?:D

Livolink: no its not ur play stylr

Livolink: its just u ruin fun with a unfair match upand start like scriper

EinCamillenTee: If you want to try like.. I don't know, AD Poppy instead of Tank Poppy, is that bad?

EinCamillenTee: nothing was unfair

Livolink: re not a sripter but its the sme ting

Livolink: pff

Livolink: u re stupid or its me
So that is fair. Everyone can do what they want

Livolink: no

EinCamillenTee: and Lulu AP is strong, I agree

Livolink: every thing in this game are not fair

Livolink: btw i will do ezreal ap

Livolink: and its not fair

EinCamillenTee: learn English please

EinCamillenTee: Ezreal doesn't have a large AP scaling

Livolink: xd

EinCamillenTee: Lulu does, that's why she tried

Livolink: and ezreal can one shot all champs in this game

Livolink: ezreal have ap ratios

EinCamillenTee: if you play him lethality, yea

LuluPichu: has*

Livolink: on his q on his z on his e and on his r

LuluPichu: z

EinCamillenTee: yea sure, than try AP Ezreal

LuluPichu: w*

EinCamillenTee: No problem

EinCamillenTee: no one will tell you that you are a scripter

Livolink: bruh ure stupid

EinCamillenTee: I think we all agree that you are stupid

Livolink: ive tried and its unpleasant and unfair

EinCamillenTee: Yasuo is unfair

EinCamillenTee: what's your goal when playing?

Livolink: so if lulu want auto win like shit ike scripter this is her choice

EinCamillenTee: Everyone having a great time? That won't work..

EinCamillenTee: mostly

Livolink: but if u say ur not a cheater its wrong

EinCamillenTee: I play with her a lot. She does AP lulu or AD lulu a lot. And it's not unfair. She looses often. And sometimes wins

Livolink: dont care

EinCamillenTee: cheat;
to act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage.

Livolink: a start unfair is cheat

EinCamillenTee: she didn't cheat

EinCamillenTee: end it here, I want to play another game

EinCamillenTee: cya

EinCamillenTee: play AP next time

EinCamillenTee: or ADC

Livolink: she act unfairly for win

EinCamillenTee: or just don't play

Livolink: cheater

EinCamillenTee: prove it

LuluPichu: 'cheating' decibes the action of modifying a programs code to gather an advantage.

EinCamillenTee: Everyone has the same chances

Livolink: kfc wtf

Livolink: not really lulu

LuluPichu: thats the definition

EinCamillenTee: Aurelion Sol is out. You are just not on my intellectual level.
Have fun..

Livolink: cheat decibes too act unfairly for have an advantage

EinCamillenTee hat die Lobby verlassen.

Livolink: like scripting

LuluPichu: no thats not what a cheat is.

Livolink: like ur start

LuluPichu: you are not purple enough. lulu - out.

Livolink: wtf

LuluPichu hat die Lobby verlassen.